Joomla Extension Update: Ulti Counter 1.0.8
Posted by: admin in Ulti Counter, Modules, Joomla, Extensions on Dec 22, 2008
The next version of Ulti Counter has been released: version 1.0.8. This new version of our Joomla Extension contains some small updates thanks to suggestions of the users:
- moduleclass suffix has been added. This will allow you to include several instances of the module with a unique style for each instance.
- A 6th format for the counter has been added. This shows only a digit for the number of days left, so without the "days" string
- For most formats, the '0' will not be shown any more. Before you would see e.g. "0 days 20 hours left", now you will see just "20 hours left".
Ulti Counter 1.0.8 can now be downloaded from our free Joomla Extensions section

written by Largowww, January 07, 2009
I've added a few lines to the template css file and you can see the result on the demo page of this site. It's something like this you had in mind, right?
These are the lines I've added:
div.ulti_counter {
div.ulti_counter div{
written by andrea, January 07, 2009
written by Largowww, January 07, 2009
written by leonie, January 07, 2009
written by Largowww, January 07, 2009
written by Ray, January 15, 2009
written by Largowww, January 15, 2009
$tailing = $params->get('tailing')? $params->get('tailing') : 'left until the event';
You have to change this to:
$tailing = $params->get('tailing')? $params->get('tailing') : '';
If you also want to prevent the default text from showing up in your back-end, you need to change the file mod_ulti_counter.xml. Change this:
default="left until the event"
Practically I would like something like this one
Is this possible?
Thanks again