We've been getting a lot of questions on how to a edit a joomla template, so here's an explanation on how to do this. This article will be in 2 parts. This first part will explain how to edit a Joomla template. It's the theoretical part of the explanation. The second part will show an example where you will see how you can change the look of a template completely within minutes.
Tags: News, Joomla on
Sep 25, 2008
The Netherlands Patent Office has launched it's new website which was created with the Joomla CMS. The site was launched by Frank Heemskerk, minister of Foreign Affairs. This is the first Dutch government organisation who uses Open Source Software for it's website. It is the first step of an action plan called 'Nederland Open in Connection', a plan to switch a large part of the government ICT systems to Open Source Software. Not only their website will be Open Source, but by the end of 2009, their entire office environment will be based on open source software.
Joomla is a fantastic piece of software and once you know how to use it, it's very user friendly. Certainly Joomla 1.5 has taken a huge step forward in usability. But for someone new, certainly for someone who never used a CMS before, it can be quit overwhelming in the beginning. We all had the same feeling the first time we installed Joomla: where do I start? Well a good start of course is to learn the basics. So if you are already familiar with Joomla, you can stop reading now (really!). In this article I'll explain the difference between the 3 types of extensions for Joomla: components, modules and plugins.
A while ago I wrote this article about transparency in internet explorer 6. This was just one of many problems with browser compatibility that can hit you when you design a Joomla template. This article is about another such problem: the so called 'double margin bug of internet explorer'. If you see that your Joomla site looks good in Firefox or the brand new Google Chrome browser, but in internet explorer you see that some parts are not at the right place, like there is a double margin, then you've come accross this bug.
 | It's been a while since Ulti Joomla has released a new template, but here is the brand new Joomla 1.5 Template: Green Tea Template. |