Tags: News, Joomla 1.5 on
Mar 30, 2009
Joomla has released version 1.5.10 of it's popular CMS. The codename is Wohmamni, which means 'ten' in Yaqui (a native American language). This is again a security release, so it is strongly encouraged to upgrade to this new version. Next to some secority fixes, this release also contains 66 bug fixes. Joomla 1.5.10 can be donwloaded here.
 | Another new release of our most popular Joomla Extension, the Template Chooser. It was reported that the previous version sometimes failed because of a conflict between the choosen template and the default template. To prevent this, the plugin will now change the Joomla Template after initialisation in stead of after dispatch. As a result, the default template isn't loaded any more and can no longer cause a conflict with the choosen template. |
Tags: Untagged on
Mar 13, 2009
We're on holiday from now till the 21st of march. Feel free to post your questions on our forum or contact us through the contact page. We'll answer them as soon as we're back.
Two items about our Joomla Extensions have been added to the FAQ. The first one explains how you can modify the Template Chooser to change the template with a link in stead of the selection box. This question was asked already a number of times, so it was about time we added this to the FAQ. Read more in How can I change the template with a link?
With the latest Joomla version, there was an installation issue with Ulti Cartoons. This is solved in the newest version 1.0.3. Meanwhile the module class suffix parameter was also added to this module.