As reported in our previous post, our Polaroid plugin Ulti Polaroid release 1.1.0 had a conflict with some other Joomla Extensions. The bug has been traced and fixed in Ulti Polaroid 1.1.1.
Another update of the Ulti Polaroid plugin. This is the long promised upgrade to a more natural looking polaroid effect. If you look at the example below, you'll see that the polaroid looks a lot better now. The shadow is now as it should be as you can see in the example below.
There was a problem with this Joomla plugin in Internet Explorer 8. Our good friends of Microsoft decided to change the syntax of their VML support a bit. As a result, the Polaroid plugin didn't work any more in IE8. This has been corrected in the new release 1.0.5 of Ulti Polaroid
 | Another new release of our most popular Joomla Extension, the Template Chooser. It was reported that the previous version sometimes failed because of a conflict between the choosen template and the default template. To prevent this, the plugin will now change the Joomla Template after initialisation in stead of after dispatch. As a result, the default template isn't loaded any more and can no longer cause a conflict with the choosen template. |
 | There is a new major release of our most popular Joomla Extension, the Template Chooser. The old version could have a problem in combination with forms. e.g. the checkout procedure of Virtuemart made the template go back to the default template. The reason was that the old Template Chooser module redirected the page to a new template, but the problem was that a redirect could not copy the POST parameters. The new Template Chooser solves this by changing the template in a plugin before the template is loaded. This means that a page redirect is no longer needed and as a result the page will load faster. |