Two items about our Joomla Extensions have been added to the FAQ. The first one explains how you can modify the Template Chooser to change the template with a link in stead of the selection box. This question was asked already a number of times, so it was about time we added this to the FAQ. Read more in How can I change the template with a link?
| Yet another update to our Joomla 1.5 plugin Ulti Reflection. The old release only worked on content items (articles and components). The latest version now works on modules also. I have to give credit here to Sandra who had enough patience to test this until it worked. |
| Upto now, using a number of reflected images on one page gave performance issues. That's why the calculation of the reflection has been completely rewritten en should be about 100 times faster now. The new version of this joomla 1.5 plugin is now available in the download section. Next to the performance boost, it is now also possible to change the width and height of the images. You can find all the parameters you can use in the FAQ. |
| Upto now, the Ulti Reflection plugin was not compatible with the Opera browser. Not only was the opacitiy effect not working, the reflection was created multiple times and got in an endless loop. Although this was a rather neat effect, this was of course not the intention. Ulti Reflection 1.0.3 has just been released and this version is fully compatible with Opera. |

There was another bug detected and solved in Ulti Reflection. If your joomla site is installed in a subdirectory of the url, the plugin was not working. This has been solved and the new version 1.0.2 is now available for download.