Tags: Ulti Joomla, News on
May 13, 2009
You might have noticed some changes in the layout of Ulti Joomla. Some modules have been moved to a different position. There are also two new modules added. This is just a first step into a number of changes on Ulti Joomla.
Tags: Ulti Joomla on
Feb 27, 2009
There have been some problems with our contact page. We've only discovered this today and have solved the issue immediately. We're not sure when exactly the problems started, but if you've tried to contact us during the last few days, then your message might have been lost. Even if you've seen the 'Thank you for your e-mail' message, there is a chance that your mail was not sent to us. If you've tried to contact us and did not receive a reply, please sent your message again.
Ulti Counter version 1.0.7 has just been released. This countdown module has one new feature: if the event time arrives, the counter will start to count the time up. This means it will show the time since the event, so the module can now also be used to show the time passed since a certain event.
 | A new month, means a brand new Joomla Template is released. This template is called "puzzle". and I think you can guess why. It can be downloaded now in our download area. |
Tags: Ulti Joomla, Templates, News on
Nov 1, 2008
As you can see, Ulti Joomla has a completely new look. A new template, a new logo and some new features. We are still working on some of the new features, so in the coming week, you may expect more new things on Ulti Joomla. If you notice anything weird on the site, let us know with the contact form.