Joomla Extensions Update: Ulti Cartoons 1.0.3

Posted by: admin in Ulti CartoonsModulesJoomlaExtensions on  

Ulti CartoonsWith the latest Joomla version, there was an installation issue with Ulti Cartoons. This is solved in the newest version 1.0.3. Meanwhile the module class suffix parameter was also added to this module.


Ulti Cartoons is a module which publishes a daily cartoon on your site.


Ulti Cartoons 1.0.3 is now available for download at our free Joomla Extensions section

Comments (6)Add Comment
Problem with the woord days

written by sabah, March 10, 2009
I have this probleem, is hear sombody can help me to resolve this probleem

mod_ulti_counter Days 13:10:45 172 and it would be
172 day 13:10:45

written by Largo, March 10, 2009
Could you rephraze this question, as I don't understand what you're trying to tell.

This is also in the wrong place. It's better to ask these kind of questions on the forum.

written by sabah, March 10, 2009
the probleem is the positie van word Days

Days 13:10:45 172 and it would be 172 Days 13:10:45

written by Largo, March 11, 2009
I've put the demo page on this site in that format and there it is ok. Could you give me the url to your site, so I can check this?

And please register on the forum, so that we can continue this there. These comments are completely off-topic here.

written by sabah, March 19, 2009

written by Largo, March 23, 2009
Are you sure you have the latest version of the module installed and that you didn't change anything to the code? I tested this again, and what I see on your site is just not possible with the same code.

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