More and more large companies and organisations choose Joomla for their website. What better proof do you need that Joomla is the best CMS on the planet?
A new company can be added to that list as Tata motors has choosen Joomla to build it's website for the Nano car, known as the worlds cheapest car. With a price of 2500$, this car should become affordable for Indian families.
If you know other interesting sites which are made with Joomla, feel free to let me know in a comment.
Comments (3)

Tata Nano will be big hit
written by anonymous, March 22, 2009
Tata Nano - will be a big hit .. watch out the joomla power. It would be interesting to see how much load joomla can handle tomorrow as it is expected a millions of hits after its launch on the site.
Joomla Technology
written by Loren Howard, March 26, 2009
Yes, Really Joomla is a good Technology to enhance your website structures robustness.
Write comment
I feel very little Joomla power has been used on the site, i was expecting much more at the site.