How to display the component only
Posted by: admin in Tutorial, Joomla 1.5, Component on Nov 27, 2008
Here's another great but not so well known feature of Joomla 1.5. There is an easy way to view only your component on your joomla site, without any modules or css styles from your template? Just take a look at the url in the address bar of your browser. If there is already a question mark in your url, add '&tmpl=component', otherwise you can add '?tmpl=component'. If you try it on this site, you will still see some styling, because the css-files of the component are loaded, only these of the template are skipped.
This feature can be interesting if you want to add a 'print' button to allow your users to print only the content of your component. For Joomla template developers, it can also be interesting to isolate the component.
If you really want to remove all styling from your component, there is another way to do this. Add '?no_html=1'or '&no_html=1' to your url. In this case, even the styling included in the component will be skipped.

written by Largo, March 23, 2009
written by Mark Manners, April 11, 2009
Can you achieve the same results within the component?
written by Largo, April 12, 2009
written by Mark Manners, April 15, 2009
if ($view = 'data_only' ) {
// Set no_html =1;
// Set tmpl = component;
written by Largo, April 16, 2009
written by supra shoes, March 30, 2010
Thanks for sharing!Your articles it is wonderful!!
written by Maheswar Reddy, April 10, 2010
Iam trying to convert the HTML Template into Joomla Template.
Everything is fine,expect images are not displaying in the front end,one more problem is that top menu is not displaying...Please anybody can help..?