Joomla Extension Update: Ulti Polaroid 1.0.4
Posted by: admin in Ulti Polaroid, Plugin, Joomla 1.5, Extensions on Jan 20, 2009
There is a new release of our Joomla extension to give your images a polaroid effect: Ulti Polaroid version 1.0.4. The new release solves 2 issues:
- The margin on the right of the image was in some cases too big, due to a calculation error.
- There was an alignment problem in Internet Explorer if you use multiple polaroid images and text below these images.
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Comments (4)

written by waltersao, February 05, 2009
E' possibile avere qualche esempio campleto ? TIA
written by Largo, February 05, 2009
I don't speak Italian. Please ask your question in English.
written by Largo, February 09, 2009
You can find some examples on this page:
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