Why competition is a good thing
Posted by: admin in Template Chooser, Joomla, JED, Extensions on Feb 17, 2009
As you might know, the most popular of our Joomla extensions is the Template Chooser. For the people who don't know this Joomla module: with this module your visitors can change the template in the front-end. A few months ago I've noticed there was a new extension in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) called Template Changer. This new extension did exactly the same what our Template Chooser was already doing for quit some time. In an earlier post, I've mentioned already that I think this is one of the major problems of the JED: too many extensions are doing the same thing, which makes it hard for the users to find the right extension. I verified this new module wasn't just a copy of our module, but this wasn't the case. The code was quit different. But I was really not amused with this. The problem I have with these kind of modules is that they are not created for the benefit of the users, as they only copy functionality that already exists. The authors of these kind of Joomla extensions are creating this to get traffic to their site.
The Template Changer module had however a feature that our Template Chooser was still missing: the possibility to store the template choice in a cookie. This was a feature which was requested by a few people and which we announced to add in a next release. But for some reason we postponed this for a while. So now it was time to be mad at ourselves. This new module had better features then ours, just because we have been too lazy. We immediately created a release of the Template Chooser that contained this feature. This event changed the way we were working. Before ,we often postponed adding new features to our Joomla extensions. Other things seemed more urgent and we could postpone it as there was little or no competition our users could run to. We realized that we could no longer affort to do this. If we get a feature request which is feasible and might be interesting for other users, we will often add it to our extensions in a short time frame. We think this is the best way to stay ahead of competition. Meanwhile, this Template Changer module seems to have disappeared somehow, but this will not stop us from continuing on our improved way of working.
So indeed, competition really is a good thing. It improved our way of working and it are the end-users who benefit from this. So don't be mad if a competitor 'steals' your idea, just try to beat them in qaulity and service.

written by Largowww, February 20, 2009
What your question concerns, no it is not possible to change the template parameters. It might be interesting to have this, but I think this is out of the scope of this module, so this should be part of a different extension. However, there is a way you can do it with the template chooser. You can make copies of the template, rename them and set the parameters to a different value. Joomla will see this as different templates and then you can use the Template Chooser for this.
written by chabacha, February 20, 2009
Can yo tell us how websites like (rockettheme, yootheme ...) implement their demo page ?
In fact, they use frames so I think that they have joomla installation per template and per style is this right?
also when you switch to another template you see another content so I think they use different joomla installation or there is a trick ???.
written by Largowww, February 20, 2009
In fact, this idea exist in joomla 1.0.x
what I really want to know is your extension can change a parameter in a template for example a lot of template have some parameters like background color ?